Sure, they had plenty to cheer about, as the Sharks annihilated the Phoenix Coyotes 5-0, but there was not an empty seat anywhere. And this was a Monday game vs Phoenix, a team with no stars, plus the 49ers were playing on Monday Night Football. That's impressive. The HP Pavilion is better known as The Shark Tank, and from the moment the Sharks entered the ice from inside the giant shark's mouth, the building was buzzing with energy and I was surrounded by a fascinating cast of characters on and off the ice.
When I landed in Oakland, the sky was bright blue with nary a cloud in sight, and the 72 degree temperature made me feel like I was back home. The girl at the Thrifty Rent-A-Car counter tossed me the keys to the car in space #15 and lo and behold, it was a shiny bright red Mustang convertible, with the roof already down. I always pay for the cheapest rental car available, and often they have no economy cars left so they give me something better. This wasn't just better, it was best! I cruised down to San Jose, radio blasting The Beach Boys on KFRC. I arrived early and joined the wall-to-wall hockey crowd at The Britannia Arms before the game. Former Shark Owen Nolan owns the place, which features lots of games from the NHL Center Ice package on the flat screen TVs.

Despite what you may think, I'm not the only wandering soul fulfilling his dream by hitting the sports road. I went to the game with John Nordahl, who spent three months driving across America to visit every NBA arena back in the early 90's. Since then, his passion has shifted from basketball to hockey, and he owns over 200 game worn hockey jerseys. John is also from Orlando, and coincidentally we worked together at Universal Studios fifteen years ago. He wrote a book about his road trip called "Traveling, Three Months On The NBA Road", which you can now buy on for a penny! For a nickel, he'd probably autograph it for you!
We also met Jess Knaster. If you're impressed with my trip, you'll be amazed by what Jess did last season. He attended all 93 of the Sharks regular season and playoff games! That boy did some serious road-tripping! Read about it here.
Will Devin Setoguchi become the Ichiro of Hockey? The Sharks rookie was outstanding tonight with two pretty goals. Evgeni Nabakov started his 17th straight game, and Joltin' Joe Thornton jammed in a couple more goals. Scott, the Sharks efficient PR guy, set up some interviews for me between periods and I got this first-hand view of the Coyotes looking none too happy as they marched out of the locker room to begin the third.

I'm a little worried about getting to Calgary tomorrow, as windstorms have whipped across Western Canada today, knocking out power. Hopefully, it will all have "blown over" by the time I arrive.
8 comments: glad you discovered the wonders of The Tank and the enthusiasm of Sharks' fans! It's a great atmosphere (sellout after sellout... for years and years...)
All the best on your trip! (I'm envious!) Have a great time in Calgary...
Go Sharks!
Wind storms in southern Alberta are nothing new. You should be fine. I hope we put on a good show for you, but given how poorly the Flames are playing right now, and how dreadfully dull the Wild are, I doubt we will live up to our reputation for noise.
Love to hear about your experience in San Jose and nice to hear northern California finally get some hockey cred.
you and Jess must've had alot to talk about! Hope your next games will be as nice as your night in the tank! :)
ps. Go Sharks! :)
Glad you had a great time and it was cool hearing you on the radio after I'd read of your trek on the Hockey's Future boards. You're a celebrity, it seems.
You sure are crazy but in a great way, I would love to do what you are doing, seen your interview at the Calgary game. It's good to see an American like you that actually enjoys hockey doing something this nuts,enjoy the rest of the tour and have a great time, get home safely..Leafs Forever..Ciao..
Heard you on Fan 960 Radio, great interview!! Would have loved to meet you, but Flames ticks are, on a moments notice, hard to find! Nevertheless, have a great time on your trip (not that you need me saying that probably already been there) Hope Calgarys WIN made the 'Dome as loud as I Know it most often is! Cheers from Calgary! Todd Go Flames Go!!!!
hi steve, you're right about the tank as i was there last spring to see a wings playoff game. hope to see you in vancouver before or after the game. the winds have come and gone so you should be ok.
Wow, I think it's great that you are going to all these hockey games across the country. That's awesome!
I'm so glad that you were at the Shark Tank during that Coyotes game. I loved it and yes, the Shark's fans are the best fans in the NHL. My ears usually hurt for a few days after every game that I attend at the Shark Tank.
Go Sharks!! Setoguchi is amazing!
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